Artic Blast Reaches South Texas Gulf Coast; Panic spreads rampant!

The Four P’s are broadcast on all media outlets and a continious scroll crawls across the TV screen warning to protect “People, pipes, pets and plants” It may very well reach freezing tonight and with this wind, the wind chill will reach the low 20’s. In some areas, there could even be isolated areas of sleet. (The definition was given as falling rain that turns to ice crystals as it falls to the ground) Schools in the area will not start until 10 am in most areas due to the cold conditions.

I have sought shelter from this Artic blast cozied up in Moonbeam with a bold Merlot and a movie. Since I’m in my ‘winter quarters’, I have access to electricty and enjoy the comfort of a small electric heater. Hang on a sec…. my glass is only 1/2 full, brb. Anyway, I share this strange bit of pandimonium with you because it strikes me as being rather strange when 80% of the Country is experiencing deadly winter conditions. Seriously…..sleet?

To my friends and relatives that are truly going through harsh and dangerious conditions, be careful and be safe.


I think I have this figured out. With luck pictures of Progresso Mexico will follow. If not, well I guess this won’t be much of a post huh?

Welcome to Mexico, We hope you enjoy our beautiful city

Serious dudes

Serious dudes

Main street chaos on steroids

Main street chaos on steroids

"sidewalk' cafe? Drinks, danger and dancing, what can go wrong?

“sidewalk’ cafe? Drinks, danger and dancing, what can go wrong?

Street food is everywhere

Street food is everywhere

This roasted corn is delish! And like the taco stand, just don't

This roasted corn is delish! And like the taco stand, just don’t ask…eat

Hungry? I was and I wasn't dissapointed, even the next day

Hungry? I was and I wasn’t dissapointed, even the next day

Hummmm, thirsty? Why not

Hummmm, thirsty? Why not

Hi handsome... you from around here?

Hi handsome… you from around here?

Time to start looking for a Dentist. Where to start….





Maybe this one... nope, no habla englas

Maybe this one… nope, no habla englas

Maybe there is one here...or not

Maybe there is one here…or not

Ok, now we're gettin somewhere! I think I like this Doc.

Ok, now we’re gettin somewhere! I think I like this Doc.

My final choice, I mean how wrong could it go, A Texas Dentist in Mexico!

My final choice, I mean how wrong could it go, A Texas Dentist in Mexico!

What a day and what a place.

Survived first experience with Mexico’s Dental offerings

The alarm rang at some un-gawdly hour of darkness Saturday morning with a shrillness that would crack the paint off a wall. I don’t even own a time device and have lived outside the confines of being a slave to the hour for so long, I feel vialated by such an intrusion.
Yesterdays microwaved coffee will have to do and away I go to meet my transportation at the WalMart paqrking lot. I’m early and it gives me time to think of possible alternatives to what unknown lies ahead for me. I could dash inside and buy a bottle of gorillia glue and fix my tooth myself! Save who knows how much money! Flash forward to the glaring frown of some unknown Dentist who may or may not speak English as he/she strains to understand my attempt through clenched teeth to describe just how it happened they got glued together! Hey! Isn’t that my bus? Hola Mexico!
Once there, I started my search for a Dentist that I was comfortable with. First three were huge not only no but hell no’s. I was ready to call it off and bag it. I did find one that at least had assistants that could translate from Doctor to me and back what was going on. Total cost for a complete cleaning, X-rays, porcilin crown and one cavity filled, $220 US green backs. I go back this Friday to have the temporary removed and the final fitted.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Up date; I cant figure out how to do it. Insert instead of really cool pictures, about ten of the worst swear words of your choice. It won’t let me post mine!

Not looking forward to tomorrow

Yesterday morning as I was using my water-pic, I blasted a crown off that I have had for nearly half a century. I quickly assessed the situation and came up with a quick solution; a long and colorful string of “Sailor Talk”. After exhausting that, it was clear I needed the help of a Dentist. My first and only choice was….. Mexico!
From previous trips across the border to barter for stuff, I remember every third business down each side of the street was a tooth doctor. I mean. what could be better? Right? Well a couple of phone calls later and I am booked on a short bus leaving at 6 in the morning for Mexico. Don’t you wish you could have your own adventure like this? Holy crap…pray for me!